Wednesday, 6 May 2015


Sharon Mundia
I can bet that I am not the only one who hadn’t heard about Sharon Mundia also known as @ThisIsEss in the twitter space, a renowned fashion blogger, apparently.  She took the internet by storm a couple of days ago when she broke the news of her engagement to the world. @ThisIsEss is a sight to behold but then again it depends on your scale of beauty.

Anyways, you might be wondering why it caused a fuss resulting in the trend #PoleKwaMwirigi. Of course, she broke the heart of Team Mafisi but not so much like a lad named Mwarigi who had an overwhelming crush on her. @ThisIsEss decided to tell one Mwarigi that they can still be friends. Ha!

Dear ladies, a word of advice: don’t tell that man who is after your loving heart that you can be friends when you have declined to approve his bid for whatever reason.  A man knows what is best for him. When he decides to pursue you, he has objectives. If he only wants to be your friend, he will do just that. If he wants you guys to be lovers then that will be the primary objective and maybe, just maybe, the secondary objective is tipping the cookie jar. Nobody wants to lose it all. Heey!

Telling somebody who is love with you but cannot get you whatsoever to be still your friend is ill advised. I know you might think that you are being thoughtful and that you are giving at least something, hand in friendship, instead of nothing at all. In saying that, you are just hurting him more and the impression he gets is that he’s only good enough for just being a friend. Its either he has you (fully) or not.

There are those who accept rejection friendship whole heartedly. That who accepts to be your friend even after turning down his advances could mean three things: One, he is still hoping to win you by hanging around. What he doesn’t realize is that he is sealing his fate in the dreaded friend zone. Secondly, he was not serious in his bid and probably he wanted only sleep with you. That and nothing more. He will therefore stay behind still working to tip the cookie jar. Lastly, he could be in denial and knowing that he can still talk to you freely makes him feel better.

Dear ladies, now you. Don’t tell that chap that you can still be friends. You are not helping the situation.