For those who have been following news, there has been a
controversy surrounding the Form One selection especially those joining the
Kenya’s Ivy League of national schools. At the epicenter of the controversy is
the skewed selection of students in favour of students from public primary
schools and at the disadvantage of those from private primary schools. Pupils
who scored ‘highly’ in the ranges of 400 points majority from private schools
have found themselves admitted to district schools which they find to be
dubious and thus a grave injustice for they deserved much better or so they
think. Maybe.
This got me reminiscing about my K.C.P.E exams and the events
that followed thereafter leading to my admission at Kisumu Day High School. I
sat for my K.C.P.E exams in the year 2003. The candidates of K.C.P.E 2003 were
a unique group in many ways. If you remember this is the year that a
performance record was set in K.C.P.E examinations and has never been broken to
date with the highest pupil scoring 482 just 18 marks away from having a 100%
performance. While this was good news, it spelled doom for those of us who
scored mediocre marks. With virtually everyone posting an exemplary
performance, competition for the ‘ivy league high schools’ was beyond tough and
those with mediocre marks like me stood no chance of getting admission. I
accepted though with much disappointment wondering what I didn't do right
during the exam because it was perfect so to speak.

I was the smallest and I was referred to as last born. Almost
half in our class of 46 little boys were in in denial and were busy looking for
transfers. Some got while others had to accept and move on. However, towards
the end of February when the K.C.S.E results 2003 were released only 13
students qualified to go to university under the government sponsorship
programme. This meant that one had to be at least in the top 15 to be begin
dreaming about joining the university as GSSP and the time I was several
positions behind the top 20. At the same time my folks had said they are not
ready to pay for PSSP so I had to find my way to this list of 13 students who
expressly went to university. The future was gloomy but I stayed put hoping for
the best.
As time went by I developed passion for the school and by Form
Two I was deeply acculturated into the system that I wouldn't leave. The little
voice in my head told me that if I could make it in Mangu I can still make it
in KD focus and hard work was all I needed. And true to the little voice in my
head I made it! At university I met all those from Ivy League school. It didn't
matter that I went to little known school at least in the realm of exam
performance we were not that famous as compared to sports.
Looking back I don’t regret any bit; it was the best stage in my
education life. As a matter of fact, I met incredible people who have
contributed immensely to my being to this very day. At KD, we not only got
knowledge but we were equipped with life skills as well that’s why any graduate
from Kisumu Day tend to survive in any environment. So it doesn't really matter
where you get your secondary school admission, it’s all in your brain.
Aye! Can I hear somebody say Swift and Sure?